Qualifications/Education Background
He earned his Bachelor’s Degree (1989), Master of Religion (M.Ag) (1997) and Doctorate from IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (2008).
Work Experience
Hasanudin serves as Chairman of Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (2020 - present), Chairman of SSB PT. Sarana Multigriya Financial (2018 - present), Chairman of SSB at PT Trimegah Asset Management (2015 - present) and Chairman of SSB at Toyota Astra Finance Service Syariah (2014 - present). He also served as Chairman of BPH DSN-MUI (2020 - present), member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Sharia Capital Market Development Team, Training Instructor organized by DSN-MUI in sharia banking, sharia Insurance, sharia financing companies, sharia capital market, and sharia cooperatives (2015 - present), Deputy Chairman of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (2010 - present) and Lecturer at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Post Graduate Program and Institute of Al-Qur’an Science (IIQ) (2010 - present).
Previously, He is was a Deputy Chairman of the Daily Implementation Board (BPH) National Sharia Council MUI (2015 - 2020), Working Team Member KPJKS OJK (2014 - 2016), member of Board of Syari’ah Standard Accounting (DSAS) - Indonesian Accountant Association (IAI) (2012 - 2016), Chairman and member of SSB at PT BNI Sharia Bank (2010 - 2021), Deputy Secretary of the Daily Implementing Agency (BPH) of the National Sharia Council MUI (1999 - 2015) and Secretary of the Fatwa Commission of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (1997 - 2010).
Menara Bank Danamon Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia
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