Produk Asuransi Danamon

In the midst of a world that is increasingly advanced in all aspects, it's time for you to live fully, take new opportunities, enjoy every moment with relatives without worrying about the future. The list of life and health insurance in Indonesia is long and varied, so make sure you choose insurance that not only protects from risk, but also provides the best benefits at affordable prices. Danamon offers the best variety of life insurance products that can be tailored to the needs of you and your family members. For the general insurance category, Danamon provides:

  1. Primajaga Umum (with the protection period of 3-8 years) provides Monthly Income Allowance and if there are no claims within the insured period, 50% of the premium paid will be refunded at the end of the protection period.
  2. Primajaga100 (with the protection period of 8-15 years), where if there are no claims within the insured period, 100% of the premium paid will be refunded at the end of the protection period.
  3. Asuransi Demam Berdarah protects you against the risk of dengue fever.
  4. Proteksi Prima Emas Plus to achieve better future for your beloved family.
  5. Proteksi Prima Amanah sharia-based term life insurance, providing death benefits, permanent total disability benefits and final benefits of membership in the form of returning contributions.

Danamon designs innovative products that combine insurance and investment:

  1. Proteksi Prima Maxiplus uses lump sum Premium Payment method, Top Up (if any) when the Policy is Issued to maximize investment returns and reduce the risk of greater losses.
  2. Proteksi Prima Rencana Absolut provides complete protection benefits to ensure you and your family member's future are protected from all possibilities.
  3. Proteksi Prima Rencana Optima provides protection and at the same time maximizes investment funds so that your dreams and quality of life can be achieved according to the plan.
  4. Proteksi Prima Rencana Maxima has an investment element with periodic premium payments that provide an opportunity for 100% of the premium to be allocated to investment since the first year of the policy, this product is equipped with a financial risk protection package.