
Investment options with regular coupon payments and potential capital gain.



If you are looking for an investment instrument that has a more attractive returns than fixed deposit interest rate with a relatively low level of risk, Bank Danamon offers you a solution through investments in a range of Fixed Income (Bonds) products.

Bond Products

Choose a fixed income (bonds) product that matches your risk profile.

Primary Market Bonds

First opportunity to purchase bonds upon their Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Government Bonds

Fixed Income Instrument issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia with regular coupon payments and principal returned upon maturity.

Corporate Bonds

These refer to fixed Income Instrument issued by companies, whether State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) or private entities.


Product Advantages

Fixed Income (Bonds) products offer various advantages, also comfort and convenience in investing.


Particularly for bonds issued by the Republic of Indonesia, coupons and principal are guaranteed by law.

Competitive Coupons / Yields

The coupons / yields obtained from bonds is relatively higher than the average fixed deposit interest rate.

Regular Coupons / Yield Payments

The monthly coupons / yields issued can be used by investors or bondholders as additional passive income.

Potential Principal Profits

Investors have the potential to profit in the form of capital gains. This results from increase in bonds price when sold in the secondary market by taking account the transaction fee and applicable taxes.


Particularly for Retail Government Securities (Surat Berharga Negara-SBN Ritel) in the Primary Market, transactions can be performed online via the D-Bank PRO application.

Portfolio diversification

Investor alternatives to diversify investment portfolio.

Support for National Development

Support to finance the nation’s development.


Particularly for Retail Government Securities (SBN Ritel) in the Primary Market, investments can start from as low as Rp 1 million.


Specially for the Retail Government Securities (SBN Ritel) in the Primary Market can be performed anywhere and anytime online via the D-Bank PRO application during the offering period.


Risk Exposure

Select the appropriate risk exposure that matches your risk profile.

Credit Risk

This may occur when the issuer goes bankrupt and is unable to pay the coupon or principal of the investment.

Market Risk

Fluctuation of bonds price due to the prevailing market and economic conditions have an impact to the markdown of bonds prices.

Liquidity Risk

This risk happens when customers become unable to purchase or sell certain series of bonds due to the lack of supply and demand in the market.


Bond Transaction Requirements

Bond Transaction Requirements

  1. The investor must maintain or hold a Current Account Savings Account (CASA) at Bank Danamon.
  2. Investors must have an active risk profile.
  3. The investor must ensure sufficiency of funds in their CASA prior to performing the Bond transaction.
  4. Investor must hold a Single Investor Identification (SID) for Bonds registered at Bank Danamon.
  5. The investor must submit duly accomplished form/s and all required documents for bond transactions.



Other Conditions

  1. Bank Danamon only acts as a Selling Agent for Bond products. Bonds are NOT products of Bank Danamon and are therefore not guaranteed by Bank Danamon. Since bonds are NOT part of the customer's savings at Bank Danamon, these are excluded from the scope of deposit guarantee program by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).
  2. Investments in Bond products contain investment risks, including the possibility of losing some or all of the invested capital. Every Bond product chosen and purchased by the Customer is based on his/her decision and as such remains his/her sole responsibility. This includes the possibility of choosing or selecting the type of investment product that may not suit or match his/her risk profile. In such cases, Bank Danamon will not be liable for any losses, decrease in investment, funds unavailability or reduction in connection with the investment. Likewise, all possible risks described in this Product Information Summary will remain the responsibility of the Customer.
  3. Prior to any purchase of Bond products, Customers are required to fully read and understand the Product Information Summary.
  4. Bank Danamon exercises full authority over the verification and approval process for registering/opening any new product.
  5. Other provisions related to products and/or services, as long as those are not regulated differently or otherwise in these General Terms and Conditions, are declared to remain valid and binding on the part of the Customer.
  6. The Customer hereby agrees and acknowledges that Bank Danamon has the absolute right to improve/revise/update these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Changes").
  7. Bank Danamon will inform the Customer concerning any changes to the benefits, costs, and risks to these terms and conditions through its available communication media. In the event that the Customer disagrees with any of the changes, he/she can submit a statement of objection to Bank Danamon within 30 ( thirty) working days starting from the time the changes were published/announced via Bank Danamon’s available communication media. In case the Customer intends to terminate/close the products and/or services that have been availed or obtained, he/she is required to first complete all of his/her obligations. Beyond the allocated period to submit statement of objection, the Customer agrees that Bank Danamon will consider his/her agreement and compliance with the changes.
  8. Customers can submit verbal or written complaints regarding banking transactions or services by visiting the nearest Bank Danamon branch office, calling Hello Danamon (1-500-090) or sending email at
  9. Customers can submit verbal or written complaints/objections stating the corresponding reasons regarding Bonds through any of the communication media officially managed by Bank Danamon. The mechanism and procedures for submitting complaints or objections can be accessed via
  10. Procedures regarding Customer Complaints services can be accessed via the website link  
  11. PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk, which is a deposit guarantee participant of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). These General Terms and Conditions follow the provisions of laws and regulations including those of the Financial Services Authority regulations.

Market Insights

General news, which are selected from various trusted sources, regarding the economy and business, plus actual financial market data such as the stock market, bonds and foreign exchange rates.


Daily market Insight

Complete Info

Monthly market Insight

Complete Info

Tutorial for Purchase of Retail Government Bonds (SBN Ritel) Online via D-Bank PRO

Purchasing Government Bonds (SBN) in the Primary Market is now even easier through D-Bank PRO

apa kata customer kita

Important Information

Bank Danamon only acts as a Selling Agent. The bonds are NOT products of Bank Danamon and are therefore not guaranteed by Bank Danamon. The bonds, which contain investment risks, are also NOT part of third party savings which are bound up to a certain period and are excluded from the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) guarantee program. Bonds in foreign currency denomination contain risks of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. The customer’s investment in Bonds remains his/her sole responsibility. As such, Bank Danamon (including its subsidiaries, associates or affiliates) does not have any liability for any loss or decrease in corresponding investment or funds unavailability or reduction in connection with such investments. Likewise, all possible risks will remain the sole responsibility of the Customer. Prior to any purchase of bond products, Customers are required to fully read and understand the Product Information Summary. For further information regarding transaction procedures, risks or corresponding fees and if you need to obtain an Information Memorandum, visit the nearest Bank Danamon branch office or contact the 24-hour Hello Danamon telephone service at 1-500-090

24-Hour Information and Complaints Services



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