Company Profile

About Bank Danamon
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Stock Code: BDMN) was established in 1956. As of 30 September 2024, Danamon manages consolidated assets of Rp240 trillion with its subsidiary, Adira Finance. In terms of share ownership, 92.47% of Danamon shares are owned by MUFG and the other 7.53% are owned by the public. In serving customers from all business lines, namely Retail, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Corporations, Danamon is supported by 844* conventional branch offices and Syariah units, as well as branch offices and representative offices of Danamon group companies in Indonesia.

As a subsidiary of MUFG which is one of the largest financial services groups in the world, Danamon is supported by the global network of MUFG and its partner banks: Krungsri Bank in Thailand, Security Bank in the Philippines, and Vientin Bank in Vietnam. Danamon is also strengthened by the local network of its group companies; Adira Finance, Home Credit Indonesia, Mandala Finance, and Zurich Asuransi Indonesia and its strategic partners.

Together with MUFG, its group companies and strategic partners, Danamon is committed to continue transforming as one financial group, in order to become a more trusted, customer-centric, and innovative financial partner, as well as to meet the needs of shareholders, customers, employees, and regulators, by providing holistic financial solution so that we can grow together.

Based on the vision of ‘We Care and Help Millions to Prosper’, Danamon and its group companies and strategic partners recognise the importance of sustainability as an integral part of the growth and prosperity of society.

Therefore, Danamon is also committed to supporting Indonesia in achieving net zero emissions by 2060 through various progressive efforts towards sustainable finance, decarbonization initiatives, and green economy development. These initiatives are reflected in the Sustainability Action Plan (RAKB), which includes governance and process, awareness and capacity building, sustainable financing, responsible workplace management, and corporate social responsibility. Each of these pillars is designed to support sustainability principles and ensure that every aspect of our operations contributes positively to the environment.

In running the business and to achieve goals aligned with the company's vision and mission, Danamon upholds company’s values “BISA” that must be embraced by all employees, management, directors, and commissioners of Danamon. These values consist of Collaboration (Berkolaborasi), Integrity (Integritas), Customer Centricity (Sigap Melayani), and Adaptability (Adaptif).

*) Data as of 30 September 2024

Company's Legality



PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Business Activity

Banking Services

Date of Incorporation

16 July 1956

Deed of Incorporation

Notarial deed No. 134 dated July 16, 1956 of Meester Raden Soedja, S.H. which was ratified by the Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia in its decision letter No. J.A.5/40/8 dated April 24, 1957 and was published in Supplement No. 664 to the State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 46 dated June 7, 1957.

Latest Articles of Associations

Notarial deed No.40 dated 10 December 2020, made before Mala Mukti, Bachelor of Law, Lex Legibus Magister, Notary in Jakarta, which had been received and registered in the Legal Entity Administrative System Database of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.AHU-AH.01.03-0420961 dated 18 December 2020

Stock Exchange

The Indonesian Stock Exchange

Share Code






Business License

Letter of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No.161259/U.M.II dated 30  September 1958

License of Foreign Exchange Bank

Letter of Bank Indonesia No.21/10/Dir/UPPS Dated 05 November 1988

License of Bank engaged in activities based on Sharia principles

Letter of Directorate of Banking License and  Information of Bank Indonesia No.3/744/DPIP/Prz Dated 31 December 2001

License of Perception Bank 

Letter of Directorate General tax  Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia No.S - 480/PJ.9/1989 dated 07 September 1989

Business Identification Number (NIB)


Company Tax ID Number


License of Custodian Bank 

Surat Bapepam & LK No. Kep-02/PM/Kstd/2002 tanggal 15 Oktober 2002

License of Trustee

Surat Bapepam & LK No.S-1600/PM/2000 tanggal 30 Juni 2000

Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)


Head Office

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Menara Bank Danamon

Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok C No. 10

Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi

Jakarta Selatan 12920 – Indonesia

Hello Danamon 1-500-090

Website and Email