iB Leasing

Sharia iB Leasing Financing with IMBT (Ijarah Muntahiya Bit Tamlik) is a financing with rent buy fundament between the IMBT Object Owner (Bank/Lessor) and the Lessee (the Customer) that will be ended with ownership transfer of IMBT object from the Bank to the Customer with buying and selling contract or hibah.

Product Benefits:

  • Unique (rent & buy fundaments).
  • Proof of ownership option under the Customer’s name.
  • New investment or refinancing is allowed.
  • Can be new or used product (according to the Bank criteria)
  • Flexible period (3 to 8 years), except for New Shop Financing may up to 20 years.
  • Better cash flow.
  • Better ROA and ROE.
  • Better Financing to Value (Housing Credit – IMBT)

Providing investment product/working capital (refinancing) which can be used by the Customer for a particular period according to the necessity.

Buy and sell (Murabahah) financing scheme

  1. Wakalah & Leasing (IMBT) contract.
  2. The Customer will buy the asset with Bank’s authority (wakalah).
  3. Leasing object repayment to the Supplier.
  4. Leasing object is handed over to the Customer.
  5. Rent fee payment
  6. Buy and sell/hibah of Leasing Object from the Bank to the Customer at the end of the period.

Sharia Leasing Object (IMBT) that can be financed:

  1. Immovable Object.
    • Factory/Warehouse/Shop/Office/Office Space/any other business site.
    • Housing (Housing Credit)
  2. Movable Object (ABF)
    • Heavy Equipment/HE (e.g. excavator, motor grader, etc.)
    • Commercial Truck Vehicle/CTV (e.g. dump truck, etc.)
    • General Asset Finance/GAF (e.g. printing machine, forklift, crane, etc.)
    • Marine (e.g. Tug & Barge, Vessel, etc.)

An administration fee, stamp fee, notary fee, insurance fee, compensation fee (ta’widh) if there is a late repayment of the instalment.

General Requirements:



Individual (Consumer)

Copy of ID card or passport

Copy of Family Certificate

Copy of Marriage Certificate

Last Salary Slip

Copy of NPWP

Business Certificate, Business Registration Letter, Domicile Letter

Copy of Business Establishment and it’s amendment with the Court Validation

The Company should have been running for at least 3 (three) years.

Having Money Report on minimum 2 years audited or in-house.

Copy of Checking Account/Last 3 Months Deposit.

Copy of the financing asset document.

Not enlisted on the Bank Indonesia black list.