Danamon presents a variety of loan solutions for all your needs with many conveniences in it. A wide selection of Danamon loan products will make it easier for you who have a variety of needs, ranging from purchasing of goods, financing of vehicles until realizing a dream house. Supported by its ease of service and excellence, Danamon loan products allow you to freely take control to materialize your dreams and achieve happiness together with your beloved relatives and family members.
Non-Collateral Loan Facility (KTA)
Non-Collateral Loan Facility (KTA) of Instant Fund is a non-collateral loan facility product for individual that can be used immediately to meet your needs and lifestyle. Enjoy competitive loan rates, easy requirements and loan limits up to IDR 200 million. Find loan solutions that can be disbursed instantly through the Danamon KTA Dana Instant.
Automotive Funding is a loan facility resulting from cooperation between Bank Danamon Indonesia and Adira Finance, in terms of car and motorcycle financing – both new and used car and motorcycle from all brands. One of the facilities of Automotive Funding is Adira's Automobile Ownership Credit (KPM). KPM Prima products provide passenger car type credit with competitive prices and down payments. Get Adira KPM products that come complete with vehicle insurance, life insurance and special personal accident coverage only for the Bank Danamon customers.
Immediately realize the plan to have your dream house with Danamon KPR facilities. There are a wide options of Danamon KPR products and programs, including: Housing Credit (KPR), Multi-purpose Credit (KMG), House Construction & Renovation Credit (KPPR), Danamon Lebih Housing Credit, Debt Consolidation, and Balance Transfer. Customize the Danamon KPR products and programs to your needs, and enjoy a faster, easier process and lower interest rates.
Danamon presents a service to finance the purchase of residential houses, apartments or villas with a purchase contract or Ijarah Muntahiya Bit Tamlik (IMBT). IMBT is a provider of funds in order to transfer the usufructuary rights or benefits of an item or service based on a lease transaction with the option of transferring ownership right to goods. Sourced from Sharia financing, now even having a dream house can be enjoyed more comfortably and with a calm heart.
Menara Bank Danamon Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia
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Email: hellodanamon@danamon.co.id
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