KTU Ruko iB

Sharia BPO Credit is a funding for business premise ownership with Sharia contract to buy a productive asset like shop or office in supporting the Customer’s business activities, with Sharia Leasing (IMBT) scheme, applied to New Funding, Refinancing and Take Over.

Funding Margin

The fixed margin at 9.25% p.a. up to 3 years applied to promotion period between December 2016 to December 2017. This margin will be reviewed after the fixed rate promotion over.

Loan to Value (LTV)

  • Max 90%: Primary Real Estate in big cities or province (including particular Regency/City and all Cities)
  • Max 85%: Real Estate other than written above condition.

Installment Period

  • Max. 20 years (except Refinancing)
  • Max. for 8 years.

Administration Fee

  • Multiple of IDR 5 per IDR 1.000 funding limit + IDR 1.000

Installment Method

  • Fixed Basic = Margin Decreasing (decreasing installment)

Collateral Status

  • Certificate of Ownership/Strata Title (under development right asset is not allowed)


  • Fire insurance;
  • Life insurance (optional).

Necessary documents

  • Individual documents: ID, NPWP, KK, Certificate of Marriage (if married)
  • Institutional documents: Certificate of Business, Letter of Acceptance from Judiciary Minister, Certificate of Company.
  •  Other Documents: SIUP, last 3 months checking account, last cash flow report.