Sharia - Tabungan BISA Umrah iB

BISA Umrah iB Savings is a periodical saving that using Sharia Law of Modaraba (profit sharing) which is purposed to help the Customer in planning Umrah fund. The Customer deposits regularly for each month through auto debit from a source account to BISA Umrah iB Savings (BUS). The source account is an account other than BUS. The deposit amount is according to the Customer choice, starting from IDR300.000 up to IDR5.000.000 with the period of placement start from 6 to 72 months.

BUS  is a collaboration between the Bank and PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia. BUS is in Rupiah, along with insurance protection benefits (Protection of Umrah Planning).

  • EASY, a monthly regular deposit will be automatically debited from the source account to the BUS account.
  • FLEXIBLE, self-deciding of saving period and monthly regular deposit.
  • FREE, Sharia insurance coverage (during the Customer performs monthly regular deposit) up to IDR 200.000
  • COMFORTABLE, the Customer may choose between Bank’s partner travel agent or his/her own choice. If the customer chooses his/her travel agent, then the collected fund from BUS will be transferred back to the source account.


When there is insufficient/unavailable fund in the source account on the date of regular debit, then it will be debited on the next day. If the Customer fails to pay for 3 consecutive months, then the account will be closed automatically and the fund will be credited to the source account. The Customer is not entitled to insurance protection benefit when the saving is closed before the due date or when the saving is failed to debit.

Requirements and procedures:

  1. Showing a valid original identity:
  • Indonesian Citizen : ID card, Driving License or Passport
  • Foreign Citizen : passport, KIMS, /KITAS/KITAP
  1. Filling account registration form.

Account opening can be performed in the nearest Sharia branches/services of Bank Danamon Indonesia. If there is any complaint or other unclear things, you may call Hello Danamon at 1-500-090 or visit the nearest branches.

Information about insurance, please call Manulife Customer Contact Center at (021) 2555 7777





Initial Deposit

IDR 100.000

Minimum Regular Deposit

IDR 300.000

Cost of Account Closing before the Due Date

IDR 100.000

BISA Umrah iB Saving Simulation

Umrah package price:

Umrah Package


Umrah Regular Package

IDR 25.000.000

Umrah Plus Package

IDR 30.000.000

If the Customer plans to take Umrah Regular Package, the following details will be the simulation of monthly regular deposit and the tenure:

Simulation 1

Simulation 2


IDR 25.000.000

IDR 25.000.000


64 months

25 months

Monthly Deposit

IDR 390.625

IDR 1.000.000

Simulation disclaimerThe written price on the simulation table above is not the real price and may change.

Additional Information

On each BUS account opening, the Customer will get Insurance Coverage Benefit if the targeted fund of BUS minimum Rp 12,000,000. The Insurance Installment will be paid by the Bank for every time the customer succeeds to deposit Monthly Regular Deposit.

BISA Umrah iB Saving Insurance is managed by PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia. Explanation about Insurance Coverage Benefit that will be received by the Customer is referring to Manulife Umrah Protection Product Information.

If the Customer uses Umrah travel agency to perform Umrah, the Customer is obligated to pay some funds as a Booking Fee directly to the bank partner travel agent account. If the Customer cancels the Umrah departure, then Booking Fee could not be returned.