Big Bill

Big Bill is a service offered by Bank Danamon to help customers pay their electricity bills as well as non-electricity bills from PT PLN (Persero) ("PLN").


  1. Postpaid electricity payment is the electricity bill that customers must pay after using electricity, based on the consumption of electrical power provided by PLN
  2. Prepaid electricity payment is a service where PLN customers pay in advance for a specific amount of electricity, based on their needs or preferences, before using the power supplied by PLN
  3. Non-bill electricity payment refers to payments for services other than postpaid and prepaid, such as: power adjustments, new connections, power upgrades, temporary lighting, and others

For more detailed information about Big Bill,
please contact Hello Danamon at 1-500-090 or

Effective January 1, 2025, there will be an adjustment to the Big Bill service fee
for Electricity Bill Payments and Non-Electricity Bills from PLN.
For more information, click here.