Market Linked Deposit

Market Linked Deposit (MLD) is a product of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (“Bank”) in the form of a Structured Product offered by the Bank to the Customer.

  • MLD is a short-term investment that provides protection for the Customer's principal fund.
  • MLD provides opportunities for Customers to get higher returns than traditional deposits.


  • Choice of 8 currencies, adjusted to market conditions & offers from the Bank
  • An investment product with 100% protection for the principal value of placement
  • Offers substantially higher returns than ordinary time deposits
  • On the maturity date, in accordance with the policy, the Bank will inform whether the Customer get the Maximum Rate of Return or Minimum Rate of Return.
  • No management or subscription or redemption fee
  • For short term investments, 1 month to 1 year 


Key date (example. MLD 3 months)

MLD – One touch American Option Illustration

Base Currency


Base Value


Reference Spot


Base line

Reference Spot - 240bps = 0.6680


3 months

- In case does NOT touch the lower barrier, will get Minimum Rate of Return: 0.25% p.a

- In case touch the lower barrier, will get Maximum Rate of Return (= Minimum Rate of Return + Bonus): 4% p.a

Scenario 1

During observation period, lowest AUD / USD spot does not touch the lower barrier (0.6680), in this case Customer will get minimum rate of return, which is 0.25%.

= USD 10,000 + (USD 10,000 X 0.25% X 90/365)
= USD 10,006.16 gross
= USD 10,004.93 nett

Scenario 2

During observation period, AUD/USD spot touch the lower barrier with lowest spot rate traded at 0.6620, in this case Customer will get maximum rate of return, which is 4%.

= USD 10,000 + (USD 10,000 X (0.25% + 3.75% X 90/365)
= USD 10,098.63 gross
= USD 10,078.90 nett


  • Market Risk
    Return 100% of the Customer's principal investment value at maturity, however the rate of return that the Customer get depends on the performance of the currency pair, hence on maturity date Customer will receive a minimum or maximum rate of return.  
  • Liquidity risk
    MLD cannot be redeemed before maturity date. Should Customer wish to execute early termination, Customer have to pay early termination charge.
  • Other risks:
    • Regulatory policy change.
    • MLD may not be rolled over automatically, hence each MLD placement is new placement.
    • MLD may not be used as collateral for loan.
    • MLD is not insured under Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) insurance program/ program Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).


Please contact your RM or visit nearest Bank branch for further information.

Please download here to see complete information about Market Linked Deposit (MLD)

In accordance with the compliance of Regulation of Bank Indonesia’s Member of Board of Governors No. 24/10/PADG/2022, customer participation in Bank Danamon Structured Product is a maximum of daily average balance for the last 90 (ninety) calendar days at Bank Danamon in the same currency as the currency placed in the Structured Product.