Primary Market Bonds

Primary Market is the period when Bonds are first issued by the Issuer. The Bonds currently offered in the Primary Market are Retail Government Bonds (SBN) issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Retail SBN in the Primary Market can be purchased by Individual Indonesian Citizens through Distribution Partners that have been appointed by the Ministry of Finance. Retail SBN purchases in the Primary Market can be made online through the D-Bank Pro application. The issuance of Government Bonds has been regulated in Law Number 19 of 2008 concerning Government Sharia Securities and 24 of 2002 concerning Government Securities.

There are various types of series available in investing in Primary Market Retail SBN as follows:


Surat Utang Negara (SUN)

Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN)

Obligasi Negara Ritel (ORI)

Savings Bond Ritel (SBR)

Sukuk Ritel (SR)

Sukuk Tabungan (ST)

Mata Uang

Rupiah (IDR)

Rupiah (IDR)

Rupiah (IDR)

Rupiah (IDR)

Tipe Imbal Hasil / Imbal Hasil





Periode Pembayaran Imbal Hasil

Setiap Bulan


3 & 6 tahun

2 & 4 tahun

3 & 5 tahun

2 & 4 tahun

Tipe Produk

Dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Sekunder

Tidak dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Sekunder

Dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Sekunder

Tidak dapat diperdagangkan di Pasar Sekunder

Minimal Pembelian di Pasar Perdana

Rp 1 Juta dan kelipatanya

Channel Transaksi

Online melalui aplikasi D-Bank Pro

  1. Customer has a CASA account at Bank Danamon, and must ensure there are sufficient funds to purchase Retail SBN.
  2. The customer has a Single Investor Identification (SID) for Bonds, Bank Danamon will assist the customer to create a SID in the event that the customer does not yet have a SID.
  3. The customer registers ESBN online through the D-Bank Pro application.
  4. Place an order for Retail SBN through the D-Bank Pro application.
  5. Payment of Retail SBN through the D-Bank Pro application.

For the online order and payment process of Retail SBN, please check the following video.

For online SBN Retail order and payment tutorials, please refer to the following link.
Click here 

Customers must be cautious of fraud committed by individuals on behalf of Bank Danamon by promising prizes in any form. All fraud or other criminal acts committed by other / third parties associated with or on behalf of the Program are beyond the authority of Bank Danamon.