Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

 Dividend Distribution Ratio of 35% from Net Profit 2020 or Rp36.08 per Share 

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (the Company) held today approved the Company’s dividend distribution, Company Annual Report and Financial Statements for financial year 2020, endorsement of the annual supervisory report by the Board of Commissioners and full acquitance and discharge (volledig acquit et décharge) of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, utilization of Company profits from financial year ending 31 December 2020, appointment of the public accountant and public accounting firm for financial year 2021, changes in the composition of the Company’s Board of Commissioners, and updates on the Company’s Recovery Plan 2020-2021.

The AGMS endorsed dividend distribution of 35% from the Company’s consolidated net profit after taxes for financial year 2020 which amounted to Rp352,664,900,000 or Rp36.08 per share while 1% from net profit or Rp10,076,140,000 was allocated for general reserves as regulated by the Limited Liability Company Law. The remaining profit was recorded as the Company’s retained earnings.

Danamon President Director Yasushi Itagaki states: “The challenging economic condition in 2020 prompted the Company to enforce numerous initiatives to maintain and improve operational productivity and quality of service to our clients during the pandemic. These actions are expected to boost the Company’s performance as well as strengthen its foundation to support growth of businesses in the coming years.” 

The Company continually aims to increase shareholder returns by focusing on achieving optimal dividends to balance capital equity with strategic investment for growth.

Danamon’s AGMS this year, once again, strictly adhered to health protocols by optimizing the use of information technology to ensure safety of the Company’s shareholders as stakeholders.

Alongside the approval of dividend distribution, the AGMS affirmed composition changes in the Board of Commissioners. The composition of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Shariah Supervisory Board therefore is as follows:

Board of Commissioners

  1. Takayoshi Futae as President Commissioner
  2. Prof. Dr. J.B. Kristiadi Pudjosukanto as Vice President Commissioner (Independent)
  3. Peter Benyamin Stok as Commissioner (Independent)
  4. Nobuya Kawasaki as Commissioner
  5. Hedy Maria Helena Lapian as Commissioner (Independent)
  6. Takanori Sazaki as Commissioner*)
  7. Dan Harsono as Commissioner*)

*) the appointment of Mr. Takanori Sazaki, and Mr. Dan Harsono  will be effective after passing the Fit and Proper Test of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Board of Directors

  1. Yasushi Itagaki as President Director
  2. Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany as Director
  3. Honggo Widjojo Kangmasto as Director
  4. Herry Hykmanto as Director
  5. Adnan Qayum Khan as Director
  6. Rita Mirasari as Director
  7. Heriyanto Agung Putra as Director
  8. Dadi Budiana as Director
  9. Muljono Tjandra as Director
  10. Naoki Mizoguchi as Director

Shariah Supervisory Board

  1. Prof. DR. HM Din Syamsuddin as Chairman
  2. Dr. Hasanudin M. Ag. as Member
  3. Dr. Asep Supyadillah, M.Ag, as Member

The AGMS today also appointed Elisabeth Imelda as the Company’s Public Accountant and Imelda & Associates (member of Delloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited), a public accounting firm registered with Finance Services Authority (OJK), to audit the Company’s Financial Statements for financial year 2021 based on recommendations and consideration by the Company’s Audit Committee.