Danamon’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. (“Company”) held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) today, which, among others, approved the Company’s dividend payment, annual report and financial statements for the 2019 financial year, and ratification of the Annual Supervisory Report of the Company’s Board of Commissioners for the year ended December 31, 2019.  

The AGMS approved dividend payment for the 2019 financial year of 35% of the Company’s consolidated net profit after tax (NPAT) for 2019 (IDR 4,073,453 million), which is approximately IDR 145.87  per share. In addition, 10% of the NPAT will be distributed as additional dividend related to proceed from PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk divestment. Meanwhile, 1% of the profit will be set aside as a general reserve in accordance to Indonesian Limited Company Law. The remaining profit will be recorded as retained earnings adding to the Company’s capital. The Company will continuously seek to improve shareholder returns, focusing on dividends in the pursuit of an optimal balance with solid equity capital and strategic investment for growth.

The AGMS also approved the reappointment of most members of the Board of Commissioners, all members of the Board of Directors, and all member of the Syariah Supervisory Board compositions whose office term expire at the AGMS year 2020, for the period until the closing of the Company’s AGMS to be held in 2023. As such, the composition of the Board of Commissioners; the Board of Directors; and Syariah Supervisory Board remain as follows: 

Board of Commissioners

  1. Takayoshi Futae as President Commissioner
  2. Prof. Dr. J.B. Kristiadi Pudjosukanto as Vice President Commissioner (Independent)
  3. Masamichi Yasuda as Commissioner
  4. Made Sukada as Commissioner (Independent)
  5. Peter Benyamin Stok as Commissioner (Independent)
  6. Noriaki Goto as Commissioner*
  7. Nobuya Kawasaki as Commissioner* 

Board of Directors

  1. Yasushi Itagaki as President Director
  2. Michellina Laksmi Triwardhany as Vice President Director
  3. Honggo Widjojo Kangmasto as Vice President Director
  4. Herry Hykmanto as Director
  5. Adnan Qayum Khan as Director
  6. Rita Mirasari as Director
  7. Heriyanto Agung Putra as Director
  8. Dadi Budiana as Director
  9. Muljono Tjandra as Director
  10. Naoki Mizoguchi as Director

* subject to the approval of the governing authorities.

Syariah Supervisory Board

  1. Prof. DR. HM Din Syamsuddin as Chairman
  2. Dr. Hasanudin M. Ag. as Member
  3. Drs. Asep Supyadillah, M.Agas Member

The AGMS has also appointed Lucy Luciana Suhenda, SE. Ak. CPA as Public Accountant as the Public Accountant and Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Partners (member firm of the PricewaterhouseCooper International Limited) as Public Accounting Firm that is registered in the Financial Services Authority (OJK), to audit the Company’s financial report for the 2020 financial year, taking into account the recommendation from the Audit Committee.  

Precautions regarding COVID-19 spread

“To ensure the safety and health of our customers and employees, in line with guidance from the Ministry of Health, Bank Danamon has implemented a number of actions based on the principles of prevention, containment and business continuity,” said Yasushi Itagaki, President Director of the Company. 

As preventive measures, the Company enforces strict policies to the staffs to prevent the spread of the virus, including:

  • Restrictions on all non-critical travel (domestic and international), including visitors from MUFG Head office and Regional Offices
  • Limit face to face meetings with external parties, while prioritizing video / conference calls
  • Limit the number of participants allowed to attend physical meetings in our offices
  • Encourage regular washing of hands and using hand sanitizers which are provided in all of our branches and office buildings
  • Launch of working from home by our staff
  • Temperature screening with thermo guns for all employees and visitors to our offices and branches
  • Establishment of Health Corner to facilitate medical issues from staff and visitors to our offices 
  • Medical testing for any staff showing symptoms (fever, cough, flu).
  • Regular sanitization of our offices and branches

To encourage social distancing practices, customers are offered the choice to use our electronic banking and digital channels for banking transaction convenience such as Danamon Online Banking, D-Bank mobile application, SMS banking, dan ATM networks.

The Company will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and take additional preventative measures as necessary.