TAF (Toyota Astra Financial) Installment Payment via Virtual Account

Now it's easier to make your TAF’s installment payment using Danamon Virtual Account. Always use Danamon e-Channel for convenient and secure banking transactions, anytime and anywhere.

D-Bank PRO Tutorial

1. Login to your Danamon account
2. Select Virtual Account
3. Select Payment to and + Add New Biller
4. Input Virtual Account number with
880700 + Contract Number
6. Check the bill amount
7. Follow the instruction to complete the transaction

ATM Tutorial
1. Insert your ATM card and your Bank Danamon PIN
2. Select Payment
3. Select Others
4. Select Virtual Account
5. Input 
880700 + Contract Number
6.  Check the bill amount
7.  Follow the instruction to complete the transaction

Transaction will be charged admin fee of IDR5.000 per each transaction according to current terms and condition.