Danamon Peduli Plants 200 Trees,  Builds Educational Cottage in Tambunan Village

Tambunan Village, 18 November 2023, - As a bank committed to sustainable business and environmental preservation, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) actively carries out numerous initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and empower communities to live sustainably through the Danamon Peduli program. 

Engaging employees as volunteers (D-Volunteers) through the 2023 Environmental Care program, Danamon Region Sumatra 1 planted 200 trees in the Maripro watershed and built a Danamon Educational Pondok in the area.

The event, which was held on Saturday, 18 November 2023, was attended by Riana Suagiat, Regional Corporate Officer of Danamon Region Sumatra 1, Pancur Batu Police Chief, Tambunan Village Head, Danramil Sibolangit, and owner and representative of MariPro, along with Danamon Volunteers (D-Volunteers). The event also featured a talk show "Forest Healing" hosted by the Villa MariPro Team, manager of the tourist lodge in the area. 

In April 2023, the Tambunan Village area, Sibolangit, North Sumatra, was hit a flash flood disaster which damaged the ecosystem in its river basin, including the Maripro river. The main cause of the flash flood is the very high rainfall and heavy rain that battered the area for days. 

"Danamon sees the potential to contribute to recovery after the flash flood disaster through Environmental Care activities. To improve post-disaster conditions and mitigate the similar disasters in the future, through the 2023 Environmental Peduli program, Danamon Region Sumatra 1 planted 200 trees in the Maripro river watershed and built a Danamon Educational Pondok in the area," said Riana Suagiat - Regional Corporate Officer Danamon Region Sumatra 1.

It is hoped that the planting of 200 trees from Danamon Peduli program will have strong and deep roots that can hold the soil, thereby reducing erosion and absorbing rainwater. In addition, these trees are expected to slow down the flow of water and absorb large amounts of water through their leaves and trunk, thereby reducing flooding risks. Thus, it is hoped that this step can act as an effective natural barrier in preventing river overflows and protecting the surrounding area from flood disasters.

Apart from being correlated with environmental sustainability, restoring forests in this area is important to revive tourism sector in this region. Forest healing or forest therapy is a tourism agenda that will be intensively offered to the community. In this event, Danamon along with the MariPro Team, held a Forest Healing Talkshow with the hope that the public would better understand that Forest Therapy offers many benefits for physical, mental, and spiritual health aspects, both directly and indirectly.

“Danamon hopes that this modest step can protect the environment from damage and protect lives, especially around Tambunan village," Riana concluded. 




For media inquiry, please contact:


Tarida Fransiska

Corporate Communications Manager

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Email: tarida.fransiska@danamon.co.id

Cindyani Lasmana

Corporate Communications Head

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Email: cindyani.lasmana@danamon.co.id