Beware of Fraudulent Modes of Changing Transaction Fees or Transfer Fees

JAKARTA, 25 July 2023 – Recently, there have been many chain messages circulating on the WhatsApp application containing screenshots or photos of announcements on Danamon's official letterhead accompanied by a narration that there has been a change in transaction fees or Danamon transfer fees from an unknown number.

In addition, the mode of cyber fraud now does not only use .APK and .pdf files, but there is something new, namely customers will be directed to click the view button or sign up directly in the chat by the fraudster. With just one click, customer data will be hacked by the perpetrators.

Danamon urges all customers to always be careful and not easily trust messages circulating via WhatsApp, because they have the potential to become fraud on behalf of Danamon. Don't forget to always check the number and name of the WhatsApp chat sender, because all official Danamon communications are only made through the following official communication media:

  • WhatsApp: Danamon Chat 0858-1-1-500-090 (akun terverifikasi dengan centang hijau)
  • Facebook: Bank Danamon (akun terverifikasi dengan centang biru)
  • Twitter: @danamon (akun terverifikasi dengan centang biru)
  • Instagram: @mydanamon (akun terverifikasi dengan centang biru)
  • YouTube: Bank Danamon
  • LinkedIn: PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

If customers have questions or need further assistance, please contact the Hello Danamon Call center at 1-500-090.




For media inquiries, please contact:


Ni Luh Putu Utami Arsaningrum

Corporate Communications Manager

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk


Cindyani Lasmana

Corporate Communications Head

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk
