16 July 2020 – PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk ("Bank Danamon") commemorates the company's anniversary which coincided on July 16, 2020 by engaging the public to always remain positive, take an active role, and respond to the new normal by always be vigilant and responsible towards oneself and others amid the corona virus pandemic.
The corona virus pandemic has an impact to one's physical and mental health. Spending time everyday in isolation, changes of habits, loss of income sources, financial difficulties and anxiety have the potential to undermine people's mental health. This period is challenging for everyone. However, together we can make a difference. Our togetherness and care for each other can make all #staycontrolled (#tetapterkendali)
Series of program launched to support Indonesian public:
Positivity Saves Lives Campaign – Donate 4,000 PPE through Video Sharing
The campaign to always be positive is conducted through a video that sends a positive spirit in responding to the pandemic situation while also reminding us that a happiness is always the best medicine. This campaigns invites public to share videos with relatives and friends to spread this positive attitude. This spirit of positivity can also save lives of all medical workers because every single video that is being shared, Bank Danamon will donate 1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to hospitals and health facilities throughout Indonesia, distributed by Indonesia Kuat, an NGO supported by Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). There is a total of 4,000 PPEs provided by Bank Danamon, and the video on this following link is the results of collaboration with Project Pop and Imam Darto. https://youtu.be/WjCTtVSbsaA
Bank Danamon also invites people to care for others, and it is implemented through Instagram Filter - an engaging game.
In an effort to support the health protocols in new life order (New Normal), Bank Danamon launched an educational but fun campaign where communities are encouraged to have an active role in implementing health protocols. This is done through interactive ways such as through Instagram filters that encourage people to use masks, keep a distance (social distancing) when taking selfies together, and hand washing games to invite people to maintain their personal hygiene and the environment.
Bank Danamon urges people to respond positively to the New Normal life.
This appeal was launched to public through a song in collaboration with Tompi - a singer - along with the Street Music Institute (IMJ) which was also affected by the pandemic along with a media partner, Narasi.
The movement through song aims to support the Indonesian people in facing this challenging time with an open heart, vigilance, and responsibility towards themselves and others. This is also in line with the call of the government and current social movements to always protect each other. The choice of using a song is based on the nature of a song as a universal language that can be understood by people of all ages.
In addition, Bank Danamon presents 64 ways to #staycontrolled (#tetapterkendali), including 64 attractive offers, financial solutions and tips amid the pandemic.
"On the 64th birthday of Bank Danamon, we would like to show that Bank Danamon is always there for customers, employees and the general public. We also support the government's call to protect and take responsibility for each other in fighting this pandemic in order to build a strong nation, "said Yasushi Itagaki, President Director of Bank Danamon.
Previously, Bank Danamon had carried out series of activities including donating more than Rp 1 billion through BenihBaik to support the fulfillment of the basic needs of Grab's online transport driver partners, provide insurance for 10,000 covid-19 volunteers through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in collaboration with BP Jamsostek, as well as the distribution of food supplies and PPE in a number of regions in Indonesia through Bank Danamon's regional offices and branches network. All of these activities are based on the company's brand promise, "It's Time to Take Control" (Saatnya Pegang Kendali) and the company's vision is "To Care and Help Millions of People Achieve Prosperity."
With the full support of MUFG and Adira Finance, as one of the leading companies in the automotive financing industry, Bank Danamon will continue to collaborate in bringing added value to stakeholders. Collaboration between the three leading institutions is the foundation for the company's growth going forward.