Up to 12 Months 0% Installment for Luxury Brand Transactions with My Own Installment

My Own Installment Special Rate 0% Program for Domestic Retail Transactions in the Luxury Fashion Brand Category ("Program") is a program by PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk ("Bank Danamon") for Danamon Credit Card and Charge Card holders ("Cardholders") to be able to convert payment transactions into installments with 0% (zero percent) interest in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Program.

All applications for this Program are open from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 ("Program Period").

  1. Cardholders must read, understand, and agree to the General Terms and Conditions of the Program when submitting installments through Hello Danamon. 
  2. Valid for all Danamon Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, JCB and American Express) and Danamon Charge Cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express). 
  3. This program does not apply to Danamon Corporate Credit Cards and Charge Cards. 
  4. Danamon Credit Card and Danamon Charge Card must be active, not in arrears, and not blocked. 
  5. Transactions that can be converted into installments are only domestic (Indonesia) retail transactions in the Luxury Fashion Brand category. 
  6. Transactions that can be converted into installments are for transactions on certain brands which can be found by contacting Hello Danamon at 1500090. 
  7. The minimum transaction that can be converted into installments for retail transactions in the Luxury Fashion Brand category is Rp8,000,000 (eight million rupiah) and the maximum transaction that can be converted into installments is in accordance with Bank Danamon's policy. 
  8. The following is the tenor and administration fee for this Program:




    Minimum Transaction

    Administration Fee

    Cicilan 0%









  9. Transactions made in currencies other than Rupiah will be converted to Rupiah in accordance with the conversion provisions based on the prevailing exchange rate at the principal and the conversion fee set by Bank Danamon at the time the transaction is booked by Bank Danamon. 
  10. The installment value provided by Hello Danamon is only an estimate of the calculation according to the tenor and interest preference of the Cardholder. The actual installment value is as stated on the Danamon Credit Cardholder's billing statement. 
  11. Where needed in accordance with Bank Danamon's policy, Bank Danamon will confirm by telephone to the Cardholder's cellular telephone number registered in the Bank Danamon system. 
  12. Bank Danamon has the right to cancel the Cardholder's participation in the Program if they have not fulfilled the General Terms and Conditions of the Program and/or based on an assessment/inspection conducted by Bank Danamon, it turns out that it is not in accordance with Bank Danamon's policies. 
  13. Cardholders will receive notification of the Program submission via electronic mail (e-mail) registered in the Bank Danamon system. 
  14. Any early repayment or cancellation of Program transactions, will be subject to a penalty fee of 5% (five percent) of the remaining principal of the Program loan and the current interest (if any). 
  15. For any late payment of Program installments, the Cardholder will be charged a fine in accordance with the applicable fee provisions at Bank Danamon. 
  16. In the event that the Customer does not pay the minimum bill of the Credit Card or Bank Danamon Charge Card (or does not pay the bill in full specifically for Danamon American Express Charge Card) for 2 (two) consecutive months on the due date, then Bank Danamon will charge the entire remaining principal plus a penalty fee of 5% (five percent) of the remaining principal of the Program loan, late fees and interest that runs at that time (if any). 
  17. For the purpose of this Program, the Cardholder hereby authorizes the Bank to convert transactions from the Cardholder's Credit Card or Charge Card into installments.
  1. Transactions do not indicate any criminal acts of money laundering and/or other transactions not permitted under the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. 
  2. If there are reports indicating fraud, deception and/or transaction irregularities, Bank Danamon has the right to cancel the transaction and/or submission of the Program, but any cancellation by Bank Danamon does not eliminate the Cardholder's obligation to pay all of his/her Danamon Credit Card bills. 
  3. Other terms and conditions related to products and/or services, if not regulated otherwise in these General Terms and Conditions of the Program, will remain in effect and binding on the Cardholder as an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of the Program. 
  4. These General Terms and Conditions of the Program are an integral part of the "General Terms and Conditions of Bank Danamon Banking Accounts and Services" and "General Terms and Conditions of Bank Danamon Credit Card Membership". 
  5. The Cardholder hereby agrees and acknowledges that Bank Danamon reserves the right to amend/change/complete the General Terms and Conditions of this Program. For this purpose, Bank Danamon will notify the Cardholder within a reasonable period of time or as stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations through Bank Danamon branch offices and/or through other communication media following the latest data recorded at Bank Danamon. 
  6. In the event that there are changes to the benefits, risks, fees, terms and conditions, the Cardholder has the right to object in writing to Bank Danamon within 30 (thirty) working days from the notification of the changes through Bank Danamon's communication media. The Cardholder agrees that Bank Danamon will assume that the Cardholder agrees to the changes in the event that the Cardholder does not submit an objection within the said period. If the Cardholder does not agree to the changes, the Cardholder has the right to close the product and/or service by first settling all obligations of the Cardholder that are still owed to Bank Danamon. 
  7. Cardholders can submit complaints regarding banking transactions/services verbally or in writing through the nearest Bank Danamon branch office or Hello Danamon (1-500-090) or via email at hellodanamon@danamon.co.id.
  8. Procedures regarding complaint services that apply at Bank Danamon can be accessed through the website https://www.danamon.co.id/id/Personal/Lainnya/Proses-Penanganan-Keluhan-Nasabah.
  9. The General Terms and Conditions of this Program are in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations including the provisions of the Financial Services Authority regulations.
  10. PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority.


Beware of fraud. Make sure Customers are cautious and not deceived by individuals claiming to act on behalf of Bank Danamon by promising rewards. All forms of fraud or other acts committed by other / third parties associated with this Program are beyond the authority of Bank Danamon.