1. Business Premises Ownership
Danamon provides another leading product of Business Premises Ownership of Store that is a kind of funding to buy new business site such as store and office.
The benefit of the product including
BPO of Store is provided for purchasing a productive asset such as shop/office in supporting the Customer business activities, including a Take-Over.
Certificate of Ownership/Strata Title (under Development Right asset is not allowed)
2. Term Installment Loan / Periodical Installment Credit
Term Instalment Loan is a loan provided by Bank Danamon for investment necessity and refinancing (including taking over), funding of business site in the form commercial properties (Warehouse, Factory, Shop, Office, Strata Title Kiosk).
Term Installment Loan come with a variety of complete solutions for you:
*) If the Giro BISA average balance is more than Rp 100 million.(Based on term & condition about Giro Lebih / Giro Bisa).
The instalment facility is purposed for purchasing/refinancing of business place in the form of commercial property (Warehouse, Company, Store, Office, Strata Title Kiosk).
3. Checking Account Credit
Loan facility that is provided for working capital necessity. Checking Account Credit (CAC) is a short-term loan and the period of instalment can be extended.
This product offers flexibility where the Customer may withdraw at any time using chequebook/BG during the credit period.
Loan facility withdrawal can be more flexible according to the Customer cash flow needs.
Requirements will be presented on the Credit Application Form
Checking Account Credit interest calculation *)
Checking Account Credit Limit IDR 1.000 booked, interest on 14% p.a. (in million rupiahs)
Tanggal |
Transaksi |
Debet |
Kredit |
Saldo |
1 Jan 15 |
100 |
1 Jan 15 |
Clearing Withdrawal |
100 |
0 |
5 Jan 15 |
Cash Deposit |
200 |
200 |
8 Jan 15 |
Cash Withdrawal |
500 |
-300 |
10 Jan 15 |
Interest Fee |
0.2 |
-300,2 |
The interest will be debited as the following calculation,
Dated on 1-5 Jan 15; 4 days; 0x4x12%p.a./360 = IDR 0,-
Dated on 5-8 Jan 15; 3 days; 0x3x12%p.a./360 = IDR 0,-
Dated on 8-10 Jan 15; 2 days; 300x2x12%p.a./360 =IDR 0,2
Fine Calculation of Checking Account Credit
Fine Interest 18% p.a., will be charged to the exceeding limit used.
Tanggal |
Transaksi |
Debet |
Kredit |
Saldo |
10 Jan 15 |
Interest fee |
0,2 |
-300,20 |
20 Jan 15 |
Clearing Withdrawal |
698 |
-998,20 |
10 Feb 15 |
Interest fee |
7,98 |
-1.006,18 |
20 Feb 15 |
Cash Deposit |
200 |
-806,18 |
10 Mar 15 |
Fined fee |
0,0309 |
-806,21 |
10 Mar15 |
Interest fee |
8,19 |
-814,40 |
Fined fee is calculated by:
Dated on 10 Feb – 20 Feb 15; 10 days; IDR (1.006,18 -1.000) x10x18%/360 = IDR 0,0309
Interest fee is calculated by,
Feb :
Dated on 10 Jan – 20 Jan 15; 10 days; IDR 300,2x10x12%p.a/360 = 1,0006666
Dated on 20 Jan – 10 Feb 15; 21 days; IDR 998,2x21x12%p.a/360 = 6,9874
Total Interest on Feb = 7,988
Mar :
Dated on 10 Feb – 20 Feb 15; 10 days; IDR 1.006,18x10x12%p.a/360 = 3,3539
Dated on 20 Feb – 10 Mar 15; 18 days; IDR 806,18x18x12%p.a/360 = 4,83708
Total Interest on Mar = 8,19098
Interest payment date is every 10 in each month.
*) above calculation example is a simulation example and not the real one.
4. Periodical Credit
Periodical credit is a loan facility for working capital. It is a short period loan and the period can be extended.
Loan withdrawal uses the promissory note with particular maximum time period up to the credit facility due date.
Loan disbursement and payment will be adjusted at the Customer’s request, as noted on the promissory note.
1. Giro Lebih
Combination of current account and saving specialties for your business operational account convenience. Done with ATM/Debit Card, Checkbook/BG & E-channel (Danamon Online Banking, D-Mobile & D-Connect). Current Account is completed with free administration and transaction fee.
2. Giro BISA
Current account with a free transaction fee, free chequebook/BG, interesting current account service and supported by Internet & Mobile Banking facility for banking transaction convenient (Danamon Online Banking, D-Mobile & D-Connect).
Average Balance*** (in rupiah) |
Total of Fee Waived Transactions |
Kliring/Intercity Clearing* |
SKN** |
RTGS** |
Checkbook/BG** |
0 - < 100 Juta |
All |
- |
- |
- |
100 Juta - < 500 Juta |
All |
55 |
10 |
1 |
500 Juta - < 2 Miliar |
All |
55 |
15 |
2 |
2 Miliar - < 5 Miliar |
All |
55 |
25 |
3 |
5 Miliar - < 10 Miliar |
All |
55 |
35 |
5 |
≥ 10 Miliar |
All |
All |
55 |
All |