Efektif 1 Agustus 2022 terdapat perubahan kenaikkan limit transfer ke sesama Rekening Bank Danamon dan Remittance dengan detail sebagai berikut:
Transfer Sesama Rekening Danamon |
Rp 2 Milyar |
Remittance / Telegraphic Transfer |
Rp 1,5 Milyar (ekuivalen) |
You want to arrange your future, start designing it now. With Danamon supporting you to achieve your goals, now is the time for you to take control of your every desire. Various types of Bank Danamon Savings that suit your needs ranging from children's education savings, future savings, old age savings, you can choose from the following savings options:
Danamon LEBIH PRO Saving is saving dedicated for you to fulfil your daily transaction needs with 12 (Twelve) currencies in 1 (one) account for your multiple currencies funding management.
Danamon LEBIH strives to appreciate every rupiah you make. Savings without administrative fees free each customer to always achieve more.
Maximize your money into your business opportunity. With a minimum balance of IDR 50 million, FlexiMAX Savings is a business savings that makes it easy for you to transact and provide 9 financial benefits.
Enjoy the low costs that make your dollars savings produces best yield. Enjoy the free monthly administration fee, specifically for USD dollar savings.
Whatever your plan, make it real. Term savings that will help you to be disciplined in saving and provide high savings interest rates with the accumulation of compounded savings values.
An account that will give you your desire gift as well as helping you to reach your financial target by creating saving discipline.
Tabunganku is one type of Danamon Simpan Pinjam product with Cash Pick Up facility for your financial convenience. Tabunganku is an admin fee free Savings and the withdrawal can be easily done at any time.
Danamon Save is saving dedicated for you to fulfil your daily digital transaction needs.
In addition, by using Danamon Save Plus account, you can manage your funding target in the long term by having regular saving with flexible amount and frequency.
Menara Bank Danamon Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok C No. 10 Kelurahan Karet, Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia
Cellular Phone: |
Email: hellodanamon@danamon.co.id
The following exchange rates are subject to change without notice. For the latest Currency Info Contact the nearest Danamon branch.
Kurs per 18 February 2025 15:06:51 WIB
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D-Point is a point reward program for all banking activities conducted by the customer. It is a loyalty program launched by Danamon to reward the customer’s loyalty.