Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk – Hemat 15%

These General Terms and Conditions of the program (“Program General Terms and Conditions”) apply to customers who participate in the to avail of a 15% (fifteen percent) Discount at Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk Program ("Program") organized by PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk ("Bank Danamon") in collaboration with merchant partner Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk which applies to Danamon Debit Card holders, Danamon Credit Cards with Visa, Mastercard, JCB, and American Express logos and Danamon American Express Charge Cards but does not apply to corporate credit cards ("Cardholders") to receive a Discount as stated in the General Terms and Conditions of the Program.

The Customer hereby agrees and binds him/herself to all provisions in the General Terms and Conditions of this Program.

Program dilaksanakan selama periode tanggal 12 Oktober 2023 sampai dengan 30 September 2024 (“Periode Program”).

  1. Program berlaku bagi nasabah Bank Danamon yang memiliki dan bertansaksi dengan tipe kartu (“Pemegang Kartu”) sebagai berikut: (i) Kartu Debit/ATM Bank Danamon berlogo Mastercard dan GPN; dan (ii) Kartu Kredit dan Kartu Charge Bank Danamon berlogo Visa, Mastercard, JCB, dan American Express namun tidak berlaku untuk kartu kredit jenis Corporate (“Kartu”).
  2. Pemegang Kartu wajib membaca dan memahami Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Program.
  3. Bank Danamon berhak menolak atau membatalkan keikutsertaan Pemegang Kartu atas Program ini apabila Pemegang Kartu tidak memenuhi Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Program.
  4. Pemegang Kartu bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas segala risiko kerugian, tuntutan, gugatan, dan/atau klaim sehubungan dengan keikutsertaan dan/atau pembatalan keikutsertaan Pemegang Kartu pada Program ini.
  5. Program berlaku dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
    • Diskon sebesar 15% (lima belas persen) dengan minimum transaksi sebesar Rp100.000 (seratus ribu rupiah) dan maksimum transaksi senilai Rp500.000 (lima ratus ribu Rupiah) sebelum diskon, pajak dan biaya pelayanan. 
    • Program berlaku untuk pembelian makanan dan minuman.
    • Program berlaku untuk makan di tempat (dine-in) dan di bawa pulang (take away);
    • Program berlaku setiap hari termasuk hari libur nasional selama Periode Program;
    • Program berlaku untuk Kartu utama dan tambahan.
    • Program tidak berlaku untuk tagihan terpisah (split bill);
    • Program hanya berlaku untuk 1 (satu) kali transaksi/Kartu/hari;
    • Program tidak dapat digabungkan dengan program dan/atau promo lainnya;
    • Program berlaku di outlet Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk. Klik disini outlet yang berlaku.
  6. Dengan Pemegang Kartu melakukan transaksi sesuai dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Program maka Pemegang Kartu dianggap telah membaca, memahami dan menyetujui untuk mengikuti Program dan tunduk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Program. Atas transaksi yang dilakukan oleh Pemegang Kartu tersebut merupakan bukti yang sah atas keikutsertaan Pemegang Kartu pada Program dan persetujuan Pemegang Kartu untuk tunduk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Program.
  1. Products, services and/or discounts from Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk are not the products and responsibilities of Bank Danamon and therefore are the sole responsibility of Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk. If there are problems and/or complaints regarding these products, services and/or savings, please contact Ayam Tulang Lunak Hayam Wuruk.
  2. All transactions do not indicate money laundering and/or other transactions that are prohibited under the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia.
  3. If there is any report indicating fraud, deception and/or transaction irregularities, Bank Danamon has the right to cancel the transaction or provide savings to the Cardholder.
  4. The Cardholder agrees that Bank Danamon has the right to cancel the Cardholder's participation in this Program if the Cardholder does not meet the General Terms and Conditions of the Program.
  5. Other terms and conditions related to products and/or services, provided that they are not regulated differently in the General Terms and Conditions of this Program, will remain in effect and bind the Cardholder as an integral unit.
  6. The Cardholder hereby agrees and acknowledges that Bank Danamon reserves the right to amend/change/complete these General Terms and Conditions. Any changes/additions/updates to the General Terms and Conditions of this Program will be notified through communication media available at Bank Danamon.
  7. In the event that there are changes to the benefits, risks, fees, terms and conditions of this general program, the Cardholder has the right to submit an objection in writing to Bank Danamon within 30 (thirty) working days from the notification of such changes by Bank Danamon through Bank Danamon's communication media. The Cardholder agrees that Bank Danamon will assume that the Cardholder agrees to the changes in the event that the Cardholder does not submit the aforementioned objection. If the Cardholder does not agree to the changes, the Cardholder has the right to close the product and/or service by first settling all obligations of the Cardholder that are still owed to Bank Danamon.    
  8. The Cardholder and/or the Cardholder's representative can submit complaints regarding banking transactions/services verbally or in writing through the nearest Bank Danamon branch office or Hello Danamon (1-500-090) or via email at hellodanamon@danamon.co.id.
  9. Procedures regarding Complaint services can be accessed through the website https://www.danamon.co.id/id/Personal/Lainnya/Proses-Penanganan-Keluhan-Nasabah
  10. PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan.
  11. These General Terms and Conditions are in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations including the provisions of the Financial Services Authority regulations.


Beware of fraud. Make sure you are cautious and not deceived by individuals claiming to represent Bank Danamon by promising Rewards. All forms of fraud or other acts committed by other / third parties associated with this Program are beyond the authority of Bank Danamon.