Outgoing Collection Services and Financing

A. Outward Documentary Collection Services (OCS)

Outward Documentary Collection gives you assurances from your business partner by providing control over goods until payment is received or promised.

Service Benefits

Assurance for the Seller/ Drawer that the Buyer / Drawee receives the documents only if the acceptance / payment has been made.

Service Risk

The risk for the Drawer / Seller is the failure of payment made by the Drawee / Buyer. Therefore, this type of payment would be more appropriate for Drawer / Seller who already has a good business relationship with the Buyer / Drawee in order to mitigate the inherent risk.

Service Requirement

Requirements for Drawers / Sellers to use our Outward Documentary Collection Services (OCS):

  1. Open Bank Danamon’s Account

Information/ Customer Services

Please contact Hello Danamon at 1-500-090 for further information or any issue regarding this service. 

Service Pricing

Administration Fee for 0.25% flat (minimum IDR 800.000 or minimum USD 25).

B. Outgoing Collection Financing (OCF)

OCF is a financing facility by which Danamon purchases at with recourse based on Outward Documentary Collection against Payment and/or against Acceptance.

Financing Purpose

Early payment for Seller/Drawer. 

Financing Risk

The risk for the Drawer/ Seller is the failure of payment made by the Drawee/ Buyer as a repayment source for OCF facilities. Therefore, this type of payment would be more appropriate for Drawer / Seller who already has a good business relationship with the Buyer / Drawee in order to mitigate the inherent risk.

Financing Requirement

Requirements for Drawers / Sellers to use our Outward Documentary Collection Financing (OCF):

  1. Open Bank Danamon’s Account. 
  2. Sign Credit Agreement for Outgoing Collection Financing (OCF) facility. 
  3. Provide collateral as per business call.

Information/ Customer Services

Please contact Hello Danamon at 1-500-090 for further information or any issue regarding this service.

Financing Charges

  1. OCF Interest Rate (based on business call)
  2. Administration Fee (minimum IDR 100.000 or minimum USD 10).